Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 11:26 AM
Comments: 0
Gloomy Valentine
R wanna kill P-kun for this...
R mean it! #rage

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Monday, February 13, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 8:16 PM
Comments: 0
9 months 22 days No Progress
and haven't done anything to be called a progress...

at least... have finished my Decoration mapping for Sinema Wedding Hall...  and oh not forgetting for the cute ring basket to put my Guinea Pig
for the church not yet done :( the mapping... since haven't decided which church yet...

Apa itu Decoration Mapping?
Ini sebenernya panduan untuk mempermudah orang dekor bikin sketch.
Jadi lu bisa taro elemen2 apa aja yang lu mau serta ambience apa dan jangan lupa tulis + taro gambar benda-benda apa yang lu mau di titik-titik venue tersebut.

Ini example Decoration Mapping gue *sneakpeak*:
Salah satu titik untuk Decoration Mapping
Oh have I told you I'm going to use my two from three piggies to carry my ring???
Here're my super cuties of honor:

Her Name is Bolluw

and this one is Chippy

They will be carried in this basket... (I"ll handmade it)

also already decided the model for the suit, bridesmaid and groomsmen...but still menggalau atas warna jas between silvery grey atau dark grey atau white... #pingsan

Anyhow... catch up with you later :kiss

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Sunday, February 5, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 11:09 PM
Comments: 0
Vintage Groom's Hairstyle
Like I've said before...
I'm crazy about vintage-ing style..
and me with P-kun already agree about ONE hairstyle that all the men (yes I repeat: THE MEN means; my dad, his dad and our brothers) must use at our wedding...

The sleek hairstyle like the mafia in GODFATHER! yea yea yea yea!!

The God Father

It'll be CRAZY wedding! LOL! but I love it and P-kun love the idea the most!

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 10:51 PM
Comments: 0
Man, Suit Up Yourself!
The Vintage Groomsmen

Because the theme of Vintage wedding with laces and everything...
Another star we musn't forget (of course I musn't forget) is my Soon Gonna Be Husband dress...
which... we both really considering making tail tuxedo to make it so vintage!
But we still keep open mind since R's mom keep protesting about the tuxedo will be useless and can't be used anymore... but, MOM! it's tail tuxedo and it's vintage! #cryingOver and when your daughter use that princessy ball gown, her man should be in TAIL TUXEDO!!! #banginghead

Anyway.. here's some of the attire that probably P-kun will like (Haven't consult it with him)

Tail Tuxedo
Another style of Tail Tuxedo

Like it the most
So Damn Sexy! Especially the cane, dammit!
I won't say it no more
Simple but somehow so vintage
Simple yet exagerating

The "NOW" one is very beautiful

Amazing Grey

This is cute but I guess not too elegant and very not P-kun style

Let's see what kind of clothes that will be his liking or friendly to our budget because tail tuxedo will use extra cost because the extra fabric they must use for its lengthy tail.
Now the job is: Between Jazzy hat or Tail hat or Bowl Hat
I really hope I can find the tail or bowl hat in Indonesia though ;)
another #crossfinger

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 10:17 PM
Comments: 0
And For The GroomsMen
I really can't take out this picture out of my head when I call "vintage"
a dream of seeing guys in suspender and newspaper boy are playing in my head...
so I'll make it come true ;)

Ladies and gentleman, this style will surely BE my GROOMSMEN style:

How you can't die to see handsome man lining up on that sexy suspender?
P-kun, you better start search for your groomsmen OR I'll choose it for you! 
and you already know who's I'm going to search right? #smirking #evilly

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 10:08 PM
Comments: 0
Bridesmaid Dress
Have been thinking about my bridesmaid style 
because my dress will be fluffy and laces and vintage...
So I do want them to be dressed like that too ;) Fluffy, white but in sexy part...

So these are some examples of the models :

Look at the skirt details!
I heart the details!!!

The Back is sexy

Simple version maybe?

Heart this the most!!!

This is SO PRETTY and vintage!
Look at the back! OMG I'm dying!

Please God... make it come trueee >o<

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 11:08 AM
Comments: 0
Vintage Wedding Shoes
A Shoes That I dreamt by Georgina Goodman
 An antique Welsh lace pump with 
Scottish seed pearls and pearl-inspired heel. "I wanted to create something special with an intrinsic emotional value; something old and at the same time mirroring Kate’s fresh modernity. ... I have aimed for a balance between history and femininity fitting the occasion; a kind of luxury recycling." 

Hm... karena R terinspirasi dengan vintage dan lace and pearl... R sepertinya akan membuat sepatu customade di Donnamici... dan inilah beberapa nominasi yang ingin dibuat oleh R!
Pear exagerating details!

Lace and pearl

Vintage Lace yang cantik from Valentino. I heart this the most!

Let's hope that Donamici can make my dream come true! :crossfinger

The shoes that fits one person pinch another; 
There's no recipe for living that fits all cases
-Carl Gustav Jung-

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 12:21 AM
Comments: 0
BrideLabil Quick Review
Okay... so until per today, ini yang sudah fix FIX FIX:


Venue              : Sinema Wedding Hall
Bride Gown     : Kristoofer and Rick (includes accesories, veil dan sarung tangan)
Jas Groom       : Paket dari Sinema Wedding Hall namun harus upgrade
M.U.A            : Mila Dewi
Katering          : Gloria (tinggal DP gubuk)
Dekorasi         : Pake dari Sinema (belum tentuin vendor)
Liputan+Prewed : 9 photography dan Paket Sinema
Baju Bridesmaid : Beli mangdu atau sewa bikin baru di Moishells 
Baju groomsmen : Bretel+topi beli di mangdu aja yang murmer
Jas 2 Papa      : Jasmania.com
Jas 3 Adik      : Jasmania.com
Baju 2 Mama  : antara bikin atau sewa
Baju 2 Kakak : gue suruh seragam aja beli kain (-_-") jahit sendiri
MUA Keluarga + Bridesmaid+PenerimaTamu : Tim Mila Dewi
Cincin             : Belum tahu
Mobil             : Paket gedung
Kue               : Paket gedung
Undangan       : Paket gedung-> desain minta temen yang baik
Souvenir        : Paket gedung
WO               : Ada WO gereja khusus Abbalove+Paket Gedung
Entertainment : MC/pemusik paketan aja dari gedung/katering. Gue nambah band gereja gue aja.

Oke Sekian review sejauh ini...
dan sekarang harus mengumpulkan uang sebanyak mungkin untuk melunasi tagihan 20% dari Gedung...

Saturday, February 4, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 10:40 PM
Comments: 0
Pixlr-O-Matic, I'm automatically DIE!
R punya mainan baru this lately call: "PIXLR-O-MATIC"
silahkan digoogle aja yaaa... untuk cari tahu gimana caranya...
yang pasti,segera setelah laptop baru sampai di rumah... R langsung mendownload si Pixlr-O-Matic ini karena seru banget mainannya!

Check out beberapa hasil goblok-goblokan R :p

So fun and cute isn't it?? ;)

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Friday, February 3, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 8:58 PM
Comments: 0
Wedding Hairdo
Du du du du...

Setelah bolak-balik berbagai webpage buat nyari inspirasi wedding hairdo,
gue terinsipirasi banget sama Couple yang satu ini... SO BEAUTIFUL!

Credit goes to Eric and Jessica from Amara Pictures

Beautiful hairdo for Reception

Beautiful hairdo for the Ceremony

Arghh!! me want me want me want!!! :mewek :narikinrambutsampepanjang

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Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 5:06 PM
Comments: 0
Baby and Babies
banyak yang kayaknya protes ma keputusan FIX gue dan lelaki gue untuk nunda anak...
dan anehnya justru protes dateng dari some other people..errr.. let's called them "Narnia People"... yang bukan berasal dari kawanan keluarga karena mereka ngerti banget kenapa gue mau nunda anak.

*Warning: Sebelum loe baca, ini adalah pemikiran orang yang membiayai semuanya sendiri like me and my fiancee. We are not that lucky for having BBG alias (Bank Babe Gue) so we really need to fight for things from the begining. It's not bad buat yang punya BBG, but for us... we really can't afford that luxurious things in the same time


1. "Punya anak jangan ditunda-tunda. Nanti malah ga dikasih sama Tuhan."

  • Oh pleaseee....Gue dan Laki gue ketika Married akan sangat muda: We're 25 y.o and 24 y.o. It takes a lot of guts for us even to get married. Kalau gue, percaya banget Tuhan gue Tuhan yang baik. Kalau emang Tuhan mau kasih, kapanpun bisa dikasih.... I believe He has the right time for me and my partner to have a decendant on earth. So why should I afraid of it? As long as gue ga pending dengan berbagai pil or else. Just keep it natural like how God's want it.

2. "Harta bisa dicari. Anak mah susah."
  • Apa lu yakin  cicil biaya rumah sementara lu tahu biaya ke dokter pas kehamilan itu ga murah?
  • Apa lu uda itung biaya check up dokter?
  • Apa lu yakin masih mau naik motor sementara lu bawa baby kecil yang keujanan atau apapun bisa sakit?
  • Apa lu yakin masih mau punya anak padahal lu masih tinggal sama ortu atau tinggal di studio apartment?
  • Apa lu yakin bayi lu gak mau lu kasih susu terbaik atau makanan terbaik atau pengobatan terbaik karena lu sibuk cicil rumah, cicil mobil, cicil utang kartu kredit sedangkan gaji lu ga seberapa?
  • Apa lu yakin lu mau gitu-gitu aja dalam berkarir karena ya lu uda sibuk sama anak lu? or lelaki lu uda pusing banget cari pinjeman sana sini sana sini demi ngebiayain anak lu?
  • Apa lu yakin mau anak lu tumbuh sama "hutang"?
3. "Kalau lu punya anak, suami lu jadi terikat."
  • Oh please.... we're getting married bukan buat ngoyo punya anak. We're getting married to enjoy the present of each other and work on God's mission on earth... So with or without child, we are created to become one... 
  • Lagian kalo dasarnya tukang selingkuh mah, mau ada atau ga ada anak... Lelaki mah bisa nebar benih dimana-mana... Lu tahu sendiri kan contoh kasusnya uda banyak?
4. "Kalau nunggu kaya mah ga akan abisnya. Bisa-bisa ga punya anak selamanya lu."

  • Duh, please deh! Siapa juga yang nunggu kaya. Lagian apa sih definisi kaya? Yang gue maksud disini adalah "Settled" at least yaaaa:
    • Rumah lu uda fix lah cicilannya selama 1-2 tahun..
    • Gaji lu pasangan masing-masing uda di atas 10 juta (buat Jakarta ya...) dengan karir yang mantap dan posisi yang mantap
    • Mobil cicilan uda kebayar setengahnya lah.. atau dikasih mobil kantor kek.
    • Hutang perabotan uda ga ada
    • Hutang kartu kredit uda lunas
    • Apalagi Hutang Kuliah S2 #ngakak
    • Jadi anak lu bukan gede sama HUTANG! Damn I hate "allowance" so much! (kecuali KPR+Mobil)

5. "Banyak orang sampe susah banget punya anak, elu yang sehat gak mau punya."

  • Bukan gak mau punya, bu... Tapi waktunya belum tepat. Lagian, apa mereka sadar kalau anak itu adalah "Rencana Tuhan"? Percuma ngoyo ke dokter, operasi ini itu, cari ini itu kalau Tuhan belum mau kasih anak mah. Karena gue liat sendiri nyokap rajin minum pil KB setelah kelahiran Gue dan adik gue, eh... tahu-tahu 10 tahun kemudian... dia aja ga percaya dia bisa hamil lagi anak terakhir. See? That's God's plan. Not yours.

For us:
1. Child is one hell of big responsibility 
which we need to prepare everything the best for him. We don't want to give the worst condition... Kalau kata orang mah "Biar orangtua makan angin, yang penting anak makan nasi." Masa orangtuanya masih cuma makan angin, ga bisa biaya makan nasi... kita kasih angin aja ,yang penting anaknya hidup gituh?

2. Give the child THE BEST 
not "cuma mampunya segini ya uda". Anak mah dkasih makan nasi+garem juga bisa gede... but well... we're not going to do that. We want to give the best for our child. Klo perlu makan steak setiap hari... tinggal di mansion gede... pendidikan sekolah internasional... Jangan cuma dijadikan impian tapi kenyataan...

and most importantly....

3. Prepare your mental to face the child. 
Anak gak akan cuma lucu, dikasih minum susu dll. Dia akan tumbuh besar dan banyak sekali mental yang harus dipersiapkan dalam masa-masa pertumbuhannya. Banyak orang yang punya anak tapi belum siap mentalnya sebagai orang tua dan pada akhirnya depresi atau salah dalam mengasuh anaknya. Well, that's not going to happen to us.... Kita akan prepare mental batin dan lahir kita untuk menyambut anak itu. Baik dari financial juga dari kesiapan mental kita berdua jadi orang tua... Rumah dan Mobil aja kita belum punya. Karir aja belum mantap, dan terutama mental belum siap!

Right now...?

Nahhh... we're REALLY SURE we're not ready. Masih ABG, bo! Masih pengen pacaraaaan #ngakak
Mau honeymoon everyday...

Duh pasangan masih kaya Baby gini disuruh punya "Babies" (-_-")zzzz

Dipending sampai kapan?
Kewongan aja belom... mana kita tahu dipending sampe kapan... Let God tell us by Himself deh ya... Cheers!

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 9:35 PM
Comments: 0
Happy 21st, Mom!
So my mom just had her birthday on 30th of January
but she decided to celebrate it on 31th with D'cost "age" promo...
before you ask me further bout "age promo" at D'cost restaurant...
just visit their website... it's explained there... COMPLETELY!

I and P-kun ran early from our office and decided to give her some surprise
when she waiting in the restaurant...

lol.. so, here're some snap of my Mom's birthday bash...
It's very out of what you call "elegance" and we really celebrated it in the very modest way however we were still happy also blessed in the middle of limitation ;)

Check it out!
Kue Surprise dari Calon Mantu

Oh My Dad also had his birthday on 15th January

Happy Birthday Song 

Blow the candle after your wish,Mom

Newly Wed cut their cake together ;p

So Happy 21st,Mom ;)
I hope you enjoy your new age and stay young foreverrrrr!!!

Pratama dan Rachalda
24 and 23 Years Old
Gue cuma menulis apa yang biasa gue berdua "blak-blakin" dalam percakapan kami berdua yang terkadang konyol dan tak masuk akal :) sebagai rekaman akan perjalanan kami berdua selama ini. Untuk meninggalkan comment, silahkan klik angka disebelah tulisan comment ;)

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