Sunday, February 5, 2012
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 10:51 PM
Comments: 0
Man, Suit Up Yourself!
The Vintage Groomsmen

Because the theme of Vintage wedding with laces and everything...
Another star we musn't forget (of course I musn't forget) is my Soon Gonna Be Husband dress...
which... we both really considering making tail tuxedo to make it so vintage!
But we still keep open mind since R's mom keep protesting about the tuxedo will be useless and can't be used anymore... but, MOM! it's tail tuxedo and it's vintage! #cryingOver and when your daughter use that princessy ball gown, her man should be in TAIL TUXEDO!!! #banginghead

Anyway.. here's some of the attire that probably P-kun will like (Haven't consult it with him)

Tail Tuxedo
Another style of Tail Tuxedo

Like it the most
So Damn Sexy! Especially the cane, dammit!
I won't say it no more
Simple but somehow so vintage
Simple yet exagerating

The "NOW" one is very beautiful

Amazing Grey

This is cute but I guess not too elegant and very not P-kun style

Let's see what kind of clothes that will be his liking or friendly to our budget because tail tuxedo will use extra cost because the extra fabric they must use for its lengthy tail.
Now the job is: Between Jazzy hat or Tail hat or Bowl Hat
I really hope I can find the tail or bowl hat in Indonesia though ;)
another #crossfinger

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Pratama dan Rachalda
24 and 23 Years Old
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