Monday, November 16, 2009
Posted by: Rachalda
Time: 6:34 PM
Comments: 0
That's Why I'm your Guider :)
 [SMS di tengah pertengkaran]

Aaaay P

Rachel is:
1. Emotionally Unstable
2. Full of Rage
3. Mentally weak
4. Emotionally disable
5. Low Emotional Quotient

Aaay R
That's why you have to broke me up.

Aaay P
No, that's why I have to stay by your side
To be your guider
To make you a better person
To love you

note: I was crying when read that messages :S I love you so much!

Pratama dan Rachalda
24 and 23 Years Old
Gue cuma menulis apa yang biasa gue berdua "blak-blakin" dalam percakapan kami berdua yang terkadang konyol dan tak masuk akal :) sebagai rekaman akan perjalanan kami berdua selama ini. Untuk meninggalkan comment, silahkan klik angka disebelah tulisan comment ;)

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